Remember yesterday's post? Paper Roses? Today's we're taking those pretties and turning them in to a beautiful art project!

For this project, you'll need:
- 16x20 canvas
- Burlap or Fabric piece of choice 19x20"
- Hot Glue and Glue gun
- Paper Roses
- Paper Heart Shape (see video)
- Optional: Metal "love" wording
To Start:
- Hot Glue Burlap/Fabric to Canvas (see Video)
- Hot Glue Heart Shape to center of Canvas
- Hot Glue Paper onto Heart Shape
- Add "Love" wording on top of paper roses. Optional-

That's it! Now go and Display your beautiful art on your Mantel or shelf. You've created
and easy and fabulous DIY project today!

- Ready for more? See you tomorrow!
- Belynda