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3 Things to Do in 22!

Writer's picture: Belynda FariasBelynda Farias

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope your Holiday's were Fabulous! I know this past year was still different than what we were use to- with some covid restrictions, but hey, at the end of the day, we are alive and well and still playing in the Life game right? So let's make it the best possible experience.

My Holidays were wonderful. Time spent with my husband and kids. We had our holidays, ate way too much and had a present fest that lasted for hours. I am so incredibly grateful for creating these special memories.

I miss my extended Family; my Mom, my siblings, my Aunts and cousins... I know they are all well and I know sometime, soon enough we will all get together once again.

So, I took a few days off- the first few days in January- to rest, recoop and re-energize for what's coming in 2022!

I have so many wonderful things planned for us! I made two lists. One for Personal Goals and the other for Business Goals.

In my days of rest, I thought about my Resolutions/Goals for this year. I was inspired to create a cute list to write my Goals on. It's an Easy DIY Print Out that you can download and PRINT & keep in a visible place to remind you of your goals.

Click HERE to Download the 2022 Graphic

Why is it Just 3 Things?

Simple…keep this simple. By choosing 3 Things you want to Do in 2022

-You'll feel excited and motivated to choose just 3 Things.

-You'll choose things that are really special to fit in the special "3" list.

-You'll feel inspired to keep going when things feel tough, because it's just 3 things

- And, You're more likely to accomplish your 3 Goals, because it's just a small list!

I want you to feel Fabulous! I want you to feel Successful!

So make sure you Choose your 3 Goals to be realistic, in one year. (Most are)

So much can happen in one year, in 360 more days!

What are some Examples of Great things to Do in 2022?

- Losing a few pounds are always on the Resolutions list. Set out to trim just 10 pounds and feel great! Then you can check it off your list! SUCCESS

- Get out! Traveling may not be for everyone, but you don't have to travel far to Get out and feel the fresh air and new surroundings. Make it a Goal to go see Yellowstone, or any of the National Parks this year. You'll learn so much on the trip. SUCCESS.

- Learn Something New! - Don't know how to sew, take an online class. Want to learn new dance moves? Take a Dance Class. Learn to Play Golf. There is SO MUCH you can learn. We're so lucky to have endless options available for learning. This one is Easy, so you can check it off your list - no problem. SUCCESS.

- Read more. Remember those real books. How we'd go to the book store, buy a new or used book, then go home make a tea and cuddle up on the couch with your favorite throw blanket? Yeah that's the one.... Get back into reading. It's crazy how many great books are out there and here's a good one..... Maybe, just maybe, it's time to START Writing your own Book. 2022 if full of Wonder, maybe this is your year?

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Whatever Goals you have, stay on track. Check in with yourself weekly, maybe daily. Ask yourself, if this is still a Goal and what can you do to get it done.

If you meet your Goal….Great! Congrats! Check it off your list! You'll feel so accomplished!

If your Goal changes-It's OK. Choose another Goal, and work on that. The important thing here is that you are still moving forward- Learning and Growing and getting to know all about YOU.

So Friends, It's time to Write these down......Are you ready?

Get your Free Download HERE and write your Goals today. I'll be connecting with you in the day's ahead to make sure we stay on track.

Remember... Life is meant to be FUN! Make sure you plan for a Whole lot of FUN and FABULOUSNESS in 2022

See you Tomorrow!


- Remember to Follow my YouTube Pages and Social Media Links to stay connected!

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