Welcome to the Good Morning Life!
A daily blog and micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!
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I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Wednesday February 24, 2021. (day 55)
Today is #Nationaltortillachipday
Tomorrow is #NationalMardiGrasday
Main Story-
Be Flexible! Enjoy the Detour....

Everyday presents an opportunity to Seize the Day!
Sometimes... life has other plans and that's OK. Today we're talking about Flexibility!
Life is really an interesting journey when you learn to take those lemons and make Lemon Meringue Pie! (My favorite, btw)
I believe and trust that LIFE has my back. Period. I know that my best interest is always at heart and only things that will improve my experience will present themselves.
Why? You ask? Because after practicing this theory for a while, you come to a place of total trust, and when you trust... you believe, and when you believe, you KNOW for certain that it simply IS.
Planning is great, but Allowing your day to show you what it has in store for you is awesome! Imagine you are allowing the complete power of Life- of the Universe, to lead you into your Perfect Day! I don't know about you, but I'm going to believe the Universe knows a lot more about Me than little ol' me planning what I think is best for me.

Being Flexible is one of the 8 successful ingredients to a Fabulous Life! Really!
"Life feels so much better when you LET GO OF THE STRESS and GO WITH THE FLOW!"
I realize this is not easy for some, as having control of your day is very important. But let's think... what happens when you're heading off to work and your car get a flat tire? That definitely changes your plans and you have NO choice but to go with the flow....
I like to think in this type of situation that the Universe just re-routed my day to a better experience. I might meet people that will be important to my life on my way to the tire repair shop, or a Stranger will come to help and we find our we have much in common and become friends... Or that the flat tire was a distraction to keep me safe from some other traffic situation... I don't know, but I like to think it positive.
When we are FLEXIBLE and ENJOY THE DETOUR, Life shows us something more exciting than our day to day routine, it shows us Possibilities to DISCOVER something, someone, or somewhere NEW!
Life is an incredible ride, with limitless borders ready to take us to places we've never imagined. Let Go of Control and Enjoy the Detour to Wonderful things.
Wishing you lots and lots of Wonderful things!
-Belynda Farias

Freedom and happiness are found in the flexibility and ease with which we move through change....
- Gautama Buddha
Thanks for Joining us this morning!
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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!
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