Welcome to the Good Morning Life
Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily Blog and Micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!
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I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Sunday February 14, 2021. (day 45)
Today is Valentine's Day
Have a sweet day!
Tomorrow is National Gumdrop Day
Do you like Gumdrops?
Main Story-
Celebrate the Good!

Happy Day of Love - St. Valentine's Day!
Today we're Celebrating the Good!
Look around... there is so much love in the world today... mainly for the holiday of love, but look beyond and feel the Good among us.
Yes, I get that we are still dealing with the unfortunate effects of covid-19, however, there is so much Good happening around us!
Take advantage of today and throw a little party for one celebrating the Love that surrounds you.
Why Celebrate? It's a perfect excuse to get in the party mood to celebrate LIFE! The very life that is bringing you all the good.
I'm going to add that if you are not in a place of contentment with the way things are at this very moment, it's ok. This is validated that it is a tough time, however, this will pass and all will be ok! I can 99% guarantee this, because I know and believe it.
Try to look at the Good and allow yourself permission to celebrate the Good things happening in your life today, right now, at this point of time.
Start with the simple things and work your way... Here's an easier way to do it... let's go back to kinder and use the alphabet.....
Here's 26 ways to Celebrate the Good!
Make your own list on this FREE Download. Click here to download
A- Appreciate something/Someone
B - Believe in Goodness -
C- Celebrate Today
D- Decide to make positive changes
E- Everyday is a new Beginning
F- Forgive and Forget things that do not serve you
G- Grateful for my Friends and Family
H- Hope opens doors.
I- I am an Amazing________________
J- Just believe and it will show up
K- Know that your are LOVED
L- Life is a wonderful Adventure
M- Money comes to me easily
N- Nice people surround me
O- Opportunities for happiness are everywhere
P- Positive Thinking is important
Q- Question everything and make it yours
R- Reach your Goals and Dreams, it's never too late
S- Sing your heart out to life
T- Try new things that spark Joy
U- Use your creativity and skills to help others
V- Visit places you've always wanted to see
W- Welcome to your new life
X- XOXO - Give hugs and kisses to yourself
Y- You have everything you need within you to be Happy
Z- Zen- Find that Zen in your day

"The Best is yet to come..."
— Carolyn Leigh
Recipe of the Day
Vanilla Waffle topped with Pineapple Berry Delight
makes 4 servings

You'll Need:
1 can Crushed Pineapple
1 box vanilla pudding
1 vanilla waffle
Fresh berries as topping
Heavy cream to make
homemade whipped cream
To Make
Mix crushed pineapple and vanilla pudding together. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
Mix 1/2 c heavy cream with hand mixer with 1 tsp vanilla extract and 2 Tbsp powdered sugar, until fluffy whipped cream.
To Plate
Place Vanilla waffle on plate, spread pineapple pudding mixture over waffle, top with berries. Add fresh whipped cream. Drizzle with Chocolate.

Thanks for Joining us this morning!
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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!
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