Happy Friday!

We're starting out the morning with some good old needed RAIN! Thank you Universe! I love the rain and it's so good for the earth... I always feel like it's a cleanse... a chalkboard wiped clean, fresh and ;shiny and ready to move to the next level. It's a clean slate , reseting, washing away the old and stale energy and bringing new life and energy to our beautiful Earth.
My plants are so happy right now, I feel such gratitude and appreciation for the rain, for my plants, for this day and mostly for Me and for my body running in good energy, healthy and strong and getting better everyday.

Today is DAY 2 of my 12 Day Juice Plan and today's juice is Celery, Apples and Carrots!
For this easy Juice recipe you'll need:
2 Carrots
2 stalks of Celery
1 small Apple
small piece of Fresh Ginger (optional)

This is so Delicious!!! I love it ! and You will too! If you haven't already downloaded my FREE printout with the 12 Day Juice Plan... Go here NOW to get it!
I got my doggies their Halloween costumes yesterday... OMGeee... These are so cute!
I got them on Amazon and here is the link for you too!
The Stregasaurus is a cutie and it's for Frosty and the Lion... this one is my favorite! It's so cozy and cute it's hard to keep my cool (ha-ha) Charming will love it! He's such a great dog!
I got these for about $6 bucks each. That's a great price!
I'm planning a little doggy photo shoot this weekend and I will be sharing on my blog next week, so stay tuned!
Well, it's Friday, it's wet and I drank my Juice... I'm feeling pretty accomplished! How about you?
What will you be doing this weekend?
Have a Fabulously Wet day today Friends! See you Tomorrow!
- Belynda