Day 26- Surprise your Spouse day! Today is the day to smile, surprise and enjoy your Spouse.

As National Spouse day, it sweetens today's post as I share a few ideas to surprise your Spouse.
Write a Note
Love notes are so important! Writing a little note and leaving a few words of love or encouragement or even apologies will work miracles!
Bake Cookies
Mmmmm.... Homemade cookies are the best! They always remind me of love. A gesture of kindness, with all focus on the person they are being baked for... Yummy goodness, soft and delightful, with goodness in every bite...
Bake cookies together if possible, Make this activity one that will bring you closer.
Spend time together
With busy schedules, at times it's not easy to spend time in each other's company. Make time. Plan to do things together. It does not have to be anything fancy... just together. Chores like backyard cleaning can be fun together, knowing you are working on a common goal and you'll be celebrating the success together. It is in this time together, that you reconnect and build a stronger union.
Hug & Kiss!
Need I say more? This physical activity is very important to keeping your relationship alive. It's the constant little touches of a hug or a simple kiss. There is more energy packed in a hug and kiss than you know....
Have a Romantic Dinner
Dinner is always a way to go... candle lit dinner's create a special setting... to celebrate today as National Spouse Day, enjoy your romantic dinner with a candle to rekindle, and spark up your relationship.
Cuddle up
I love to cuddle up next to my honey with a warm blanket and a cup of vanilla chai tea and watch a movie. This bonding time speaks it's own language of love, support, trust, encouragement and satisfaction.
Remember the Good Times
Going down memory lane with fun memories to good times together is golden. I love to go back to our memories in London and Paris, before we got married. That was a magical time together that we always go back to and hold dear to our hearts.
Make a New Tradition for Spouses day
Today is an opportunity to create a new tradition for you two. Think of something unique, fun and special that you can celebrate every year from this day forward. It can be as simple as watching a special movie together, taking a drive to see the sunset... or anything wonderful that brightens your moment.
Whatever you decide to do... Celebrate! Celebrate this moment of being together. Relationships may not always be easy, but you're here... together! With ups and downs...yes, but together.... That is a reason to celebrate!
I just want to send my husband of 20 years a kiss! Happy Spouses day Love! I love you!
- Belynda Farias
