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Day 5- Try a new recipe!

Writer's picture: Belynda FariasBelynda Farias

Day 5 into the new year... what to try, what to make? Since today is #Nationalwhippedcreamday I will definitely be making a delicious sugar free whipped cream dessert, but what's for dinner? I'll be making #roastedherbchicken and to accompany it, here's my new recipe, #RatatouilleSpiralTart

A few weeks back I purchased a hand sheet slicer to experience with my fruit and veggie dehydrator and you know what? I absolutely love it! I'm excited to use it today to make the veggie spiral tart!

The recipe from inspired tonight'

s side dish as it looks amazing, not to mention it fulfills the healthy vegetable carbs for the day...

I am going to enjoy using my new Vesta Sheet Slicer to makes long sheets of the veggies and simply roll them up, but if you do not have a sheet slicer, using a vegetable peeler will work just perfectly. Just peel your vegetable into long pieces and set aside.

To assemble the tart, you'll use your refrigerator pastry dough sheet and place into your tart pan, then spread the herb spread, pesto or cream cheese as the bottom layer, then layer one slice of each veggie on top of each other and roll into a circle, this will create the center of the spiral veggie tart, then repeat the layering and start wrapping around the center circle working your way to the outer edge. Make sure the layers are packed in. Once your done, you'll want to brush some melted butter onto the top of the tart.

Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 35 minutes then check to see how it looks, if it looks nice and golden, it's done. If it needs a little more, bake again for 10 minutes.

Once our of the oven, plate and serve. I'm excited to serve this tonight as I know it will be a new favorite for the family. I will post pictures after dinner....

As for dessert, I was thinking about a strawberry parfait with whipped cream, but I may go with a recipe I saw for Lemon cheesecake parfait with whipped topping... Which is your favorite?

What ever recipe you choose to try today... get uncomfortable with trying something completely new... after all, how are we going to perfect any recipe if we don't expand our food journey and try new things!

Have a fantabulous day!

-Belynda Farias

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