Lucky for me, it's Arlen & Me Nail Time…

For many years I didn’t think my nails needed that much attention or $spent on- but last year Arlen and Anelysse treated me to Nail time for Mother’s Day. I was hesitant but went anyways- that experience opened a new door of love and communication between us and I really saw the magic of nail time.
It’s not about the glamour, or the color or even the cost- it’s really all about 💕 Love….
Love for my daughter, for the shared conversations, for the inner peace, meditative space and connection to our inner beings, for the bright colors, that have their own power, and for feeling feminine and pretty. It’s the power of 💕 Love!
So go and do "The Thing" whatever it is, however small- it is very important- and I'm sure you'll find the hidden message of Love!
Cheers to new traditions! Cheers to new life lessons and Cheers to you- my sweet Arlen💕 Thank you for teaching me new things.