Happy Monday Friends!
This weekend went by like a bullet and I didn't get a chance to get on here and blog. So, today I will catch us up on here and share the fun we had this….
We had a very wet and stormy weekend here, winds were wild too, but Grateful for much needed Rain. I love the rain don't you? I mean I love to watch the Rain fall, cleanse everything including a bit of my thoughts and soul. It always feels good.

My husband and I unintentionally dressed the same on Sunday.... same Burgandy hoodie, blue bottoms, jeans and sweats, baseball cap and scarf. It was too cute! We went grocery shopping like this... I'm sure we got some looks... but to me it was cute and my husband was too cute in playing in on the fun too. Gosh, he's a great guy.
Day 3 and 4 of my Juicing Plan came and went and I made some pretty delicious fresh raw juices. Everyone's in the game now... they all want the juice. I'm not complaining.. this is so good for their bodies, I'm glad I can help this way.

Day 3‘s Juice was the Tomato, Celery & Lemon Juice- a fresh V8 Juice, my husband called it.
I used a handful of cherry tomatoes, 2 stalks of celery and 1 small lemon. Juiced it all in my AICOOK slow juicer, poured and enjoyed every drop!

Day 4's juice was the Family Favorite with fresh pineapple, carrots and ginger. For this Juice I used a whole pineapple, 3 carrots and 1" piece of fresh ginger. Can I just say Delicious! Sweet with a tiny hit of ginger... I know why it's the family favorite... they all love the sweet pineapple goodness.
Remember, if you would like to follow my Juice plan, you can download your FREE 12 Day Juice plan right HERE. and follow along.

Each year I organize a family pumpkin night, where we carve or paint our pumpkins, eat and have a good time with family and friends.

Last year we carved our pumpkins a week before Halloween and set them out on the steps of my porch. Well, the pumpkins began to rot much quicker than I though and made a soggy, mess all over my steps.
This year, we opted for painting, and we'll carve the backside on the 31st! no more mess on my steps, haha.
Each family member created their own version of a Halloween design and got to painting. I set out cardboard to protect the table, paints, lots of brushes, and water cups. Baked up a few pizzas and got to work on some painting fun.
We all had a great time, needless to say... but important. As I sat there observing the conversations between my daughters and the guys, I felt so appreciative of this yearly event. It means so much more than just slapping some paint on a pumpkin... it is allowing the inner child to let go and play. To reconnect with the artist that lives within and have fun. Releasing any pressures and just feeling the “in the moment” Fun of being with Family. Being Loved for being You, and knowing you are in a wonderful safe space to create.
The laughter, the jokes, the process of creating a design that meant something special to them was fabulous! The memories created from this event, warms my heart so much. I know this will be a yearly tradition passed down to my Grandkids and when we are elderly, we will come to these events hosted at my daughters house.

Life is too short to miss out on Pumpkin painting night. If you don't already do this... plan it. You don't have to be an incredible artist to paint on a pumpkin. You can draw lines or polka dots, the pumpkin doesn't care, and it will look amazing. The important thing, the bigger picture is the feelings of unity, Family, created. The love that surrounds each painter and the Fun and laughter that fill the home.
I wouldn't miss this for anything!
Friends Have an Amazing Day today! See you tomorrow!
- Belynda