Wow! Can you believe we're living in 2023?

Welcome to the New Year. A brand new chapter of Life. An opportunity to start something new... that one thing you've been wanting to do but didn't, couldn't, shouldn't...
uh uh! This is the year to do it! So let's start by identifying what that is....
Ok, in thinking about this- the one thing I've wanted to do but didn't do or haven't done is... make a memoir book of all the things I've done and tried and write about it. I've tried so many things and while most were fabulous and positive some not so much.
I guess this year I'll put more focus into this plan. I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself but I will start by making a 12 month plan and filling in the blanks.
I like that. That seems like an easy transition from goal to final execution. It's going to be Fabulous! I just know it!
I'll be writing more blog content too! It's time. I have missed it, but I'm also glad I was able to take a break and regroup.
Another thought I have is to start a new Podcast. I've been playing around with some ideas and I'm feeling confident in my new ideas of focus! This- is very exciting!
Guys, my heart is full of gratitude right now thanking myself for starting this blog two years ago and thanking All of you for following my journey! Thank you!! From the bottom of my heart Thank you!
After the crazy rains we're having here pass I look forward to sharing many more fun adventures with you all!
Until then, keep safe- have Fun and Enjoy Life to it's fullest!!!
Much Love to you all! We'll talk soon
Belynda Farias