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I Am in Control...

Writer's picture: Belynda FariasBelynda Farias

Welcome to the Good Morning Life

A daily blog and micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!

I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Tuesday March 30, 2021. (day 89)

Tomorrow is #Nationalcrayonday

Main Story-

I Am in Control.... (of my everything)

Happy Tuesday and Happy National "I Am In Control" day! I love this topic because it gives us a moment to think about where we stand in our personal control.

There's two questions here....

Number 1- Are you really in control?

Number 2 - How much of that control do you really have?

To answer the first question- Yes You are really in Control! And question number 2, You have 100% of that control.

You see, You are in COMPLETE control of your experience. Rather than the word control, I like to use the word Create, as You are in complete control of Creating what you want in your life. Every single thing!

It never ceases to amaze me of what the human mind, body and soul can manifest! If you want it, you really want it... It comes to you! You create your beautiful reality.... or one that is not so beautiful.

Although you many think there is an alternative power controlling you mind or your actions, the truth is you have free will to decide what to do with what you want to bring into your experience.

You can deliberately decide to be Whatever you want, Have Whatever you want, even Whenever you want it. This topic goes into such depths that trying to understand it all today may be nearly impossible. However if you just open your mind to explore this a bit longer, you may tap into some clarity that will bring you understanding and satisfy any confusion.

Thanks to my journey, I found the teachings of Abraham Hicks and through their videos, books and seminars- I have studied, practiced, and manifested everything in my life. I also know I have so much more to tap into and I've only touched the surface of my potential.

I encourage you to look them up on YouTube, listen to an Abraham Hicks Rampage and your world just might change.

So you're probably thinking what about the negative stuff, did I control that too? Yes. It is not always easy to accept that we also bring negative experiences into our lives, but the truth is we do.

There are many moving parts to this equation. Don't you want to know Why? This is Curiosity, and it will lead you to searching for answers. Take this as your schooling,..... Search and satisfy this need to find the answers. This is also Expansion and self growth.

Oh my goodness you're going to love this journey.

To simplify, You are in complete Control of your life experience. Where you were little, your parents guided you to help you become a good citizen of life, controling what you did- (to protect you) where you went, who you hung out with and such... but when you became an adult, you had a new set of rules presented to you.... a new book in which you could choose what you wanted to learn and how to go about your life. This began the exploration of your life's purpose or Journey.

Many people still feel controlled by their parents, out of respect, I understand, or their religion, again out of respect. However I want to encourage you to step outside the lines a bit and see what's on the other side. It may open your eyes, clarify answers or lead you to new discoveries of your life.

You have one life to life... don't you want to live it for you? Live it in Joy? Live it with Everything you desire? It is your choice as You ARE in complete control of your life experience!

Today is a day of realization... how much of your life is really in you control? Or are you allowing FEAR to control you? The Fear of disappointing? The fear of Failure? The fear of the unknown?

Friends, you are doing a great job "existing", But don't just exist! Take your personal power and really Create the Life you want starting Today!

Belynda Farias

"Today is a day of realization... how much of your life is really in you control? Or are you allowing FEAR to control you? The Fear of disappointing? The fear of Failure? The fear of the unknown? Take back your Personal Power and Create the Life you really want!"

Thanks for Joining us this morning!

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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!

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