Have you had a chance to play with clay? Here’s an easy way to start and make something adorable and perfect for the fall season!
What you’ll need:
Ceramic Clay OR Air Dry Clay
toothpick or molding tool
If you’re using ceramic clay, you’ll need to fire it in a kiln. Although not required, using a kiln with bake it at 1800 degrees for lifetime ware, however, if you make it and let it dry on a shelf, it should dry hard and last for a while. If firing in a kiln you’ll need to use glaze paints. You can also paint with acrylic paints AFTER bisque firing. Acrylic Paint CAN NOT be fired. Do not put in kiln.
If using Air dry clay, after sculpting, set aside and let dry, then paint with acrylic paint. You can finish your pumpkin with a gloss top coat. Add glitter or colorful accents.

Most importantly HAVe FUN! Do not be afraid to try and fail... just play and explore what works best for you!💕
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