Welcome to the Good Morning Life
Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily blog and micropodcast to brighten your morning with inspiration for a happy and healthy life! Listen in at www.anchor.fm/thegoodmorninglife
I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Thursday February 11, 2021. (day 42)

Make a New Friend

Make a New Friend...
Today is #NationalMakeaNewFriendDay. Even during the Pandemic, we can safely
find new friends, through online groups, craft forums, zoom groups, networking groups. Friends are important. Be creative, venture out and try a new way to make friends.
This article by Verywellmind.com
states that while some folx may have always found it challenging to make friends, it might be even more difficult to make friends in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as many are taking measures to protect themselves by staying home and limiting in-person social interaction.
Additionally, as most folx are expected to adhere to social distancing measures, it can be difficult to get to know people when you're standing six feet apart.
However, despite the unique and unprecedented nature of this global pandemic, it's still possible to engage with others and build friendships—it just may look a bit different than you're used to.
COVID-19 has brought many unique challenges, which are bound to impact your life in a variety of ways, including how you navigate making friends.
Although it may feel like a lot more work to try to make friends during the pandemic, the benefits of feeling connected with others cannot be overstated, especially if you quarantined apart from loved ones.
When engaging in this process, it may help to consider the ways in which you have already been resilient through the course of the pandemic, as they may provide insights into how you can better navigate making friends remotely.
Even if you never quite got the hang of making friends, it is never too late to explore that, especially considering how friendship positively impacts your mental well-being.
Visit https://www.verywellmind.com/how-to-make-friends-during-the-covid-19-pandemic-5093689 for more information.
Quote of the day...

"It's always good to make new friends."
- Jose Feliciano
Almond Churro Waffle
makes 2 waffles

You'll Need:
1 egg
1/2 c shredded mozzarella cheese
2 Tbs Almond Flour
1 tsp Sour Cream
1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
2 tsp Erythierol sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 baking powder
1 Tbs sliced Almonds
Optional: Chocolate drizzle
To Make
Plug in Waffle maker.
Mix Cinnamon and Erythirol sugar and set aside. Mix remaining ingredients together. Pour half mixture into waffle maker. Close lid and Heat 3-4 minutes until golden brown. Repeat with other half of mixture. Sprinkle Cinnamon Sugar mixture over each waffle. Top with sliced almonds and chocolate drizzle.
Today is National Guitar Day

Get Ready-
Tomorrow is ......
Nat'l Plum Pudding Day
& Chinese New Year
Finally - Some Motivation to go.....

Be Kind...
Today. Tomorrow.
Thanks for Joining us this morning!
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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!
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