It’s a New Year- so let’s make New Art!
Today we’re painting! Time to release the old and create the new with an easy and very affordable Home accent Art project.

For this project you’ll need;
-a frame, either wood or canvas
- lightweight Spackle (Dollar tree)
- plastic palette painting knife (Dollar tree) - acrylic paint ( color of your choice)
-torn pieces of black paper (optional)

Watch today’s DIY Video for quick instruction…. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for inspiration videos!
The key here is to have Fun!
We’re not looking for anything specific. Intuitive Abstract is about feeding…. Just let yourself “feel” where the paint is supposed to go. You’ll connect with your inner Artist and create something amazing!

Don’t stop here… try new things to Spackle and paint and let your artistic freedom soar!
-Belynda Farias
