Welcome to the Good Morning Life!
Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily Blog and Micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!
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I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Monday February 22, 2021. (day 53)
Today is #NationalMargaritaday
Tomorrow is #Nationalbananabreadday
Main Story-
Nourish Your Mind!

Hello Monday! Thanks for showing up every single week!
Today's story is about the importance of Nourishing the mind.
Our minds are like incredible sponges absorbing the nourishment given. That nourishment can be good or bad, it is still absorbing the information given.
I learned a long time ago that the space between your ears is Prime Real Estate.
What does that mean? It means it is incredibly important to focus on what you are putting into your mind. It all matters, the words, the dreams, the images, the people, the places, the experiences, the things.... IT ALL MATTERS.
Sometimes you have no control of the the situation you are in and you are absorbing through default.... but let me tell you something..... YOU ALWAYS have CONTROL. At Any time you can decide to CHANGE things up and MOVE physical or move into a different thinking space or mindset.
BEFORE you can get anywhere, you first have to FIND YOURSELF. That means you need to learn about YOU, what you like, what you don't like. What you believe and why? And if that even makes sense to you. You have to be OPEN and QUESTION EVERYTHING!
Many times, we grow up, doing things a certain way, because we were taught at a very early age to do things that way and that was the ONLY way to do it. NOT TRUE. There are many ways to do something. There are many ways to get things done. What you learned was ONE version, you thought it was the only way so you never bothered to look at other options.... until TODAY....
Growing up, means growing into YOU, into your mind, into your drams, into your ideas, into what matters to you! Honoring what you have learned along the way, but letting it go to focus on what you want.
Nourishing your mind with Positive data is number one! Fill your mind with wonderful things! Ideas that light you up, Dreams that inspire you, Emotions that make you happy!
The more you focus on a thought, the more it grows! This stands for Positive or Negative. When you are in a negative situation, it may be difficult to think positive, I get it. However, working on a plan to move towards a more positive, better feeling situation is the work that has to be done.
Just like everything, repetition creates a learning environment allowing you to shape your experience to anything you want, meaning, Practice does make Perfect, as each time you practice, you are improving yourself.
The more you focus on nourishing your mind with Positive, fun and satisfying thoughts, the more Positive you are creating for yourself plus, the more Positive will present itself for your to experience.
Friends, remember that the key to Living a happy and fulfilling life is Positive Mindset... How you choose to Nourish your Mind will change your life! Take notice of the things that your minds is focusing on and create a positive path to the Life of your Dreams.
Wishing you a Positively Magnificent Monday!
- Belynda Farias

Growing up, means growing into YOU, into your mind, into your ideas, into your ways, into what matters to you and your life! and respecting what you have learned along the way, but letting it go to focus on what you want. - Belynda Farias
Thanks for Joining us this morning!
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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!
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