Welcome to the Good Morning Life
Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily blog and micropodcast to brighten your morning with inspiration for a happy and healthy life! Listen in at www.anchor.fm/thegoodmorninglife
I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Wednesday February 10, 2021. (day 41)

Open the Windows...

Today is a perfect day to Open the Windows...
Why you ask? Because there's no better time than the present.
This topic has made me think of deeper meanings, in opening our own windows, or opening up the way we see things.
Yes, I want to add that opening and cleaning our physical windows is also an important
part of our healthy living. Opening Windows allows fresh air to flow, keeping the Chi moving in a harmonious rhythm. Healthy flow is crucial for a happy and healthy life, and we all want that right?
In Cleaning the windows, we are creating a clear and organized space, allowing fresh light, clarity and creativity to come in. When fresh natural light comes into our homes, we feel energized, refreshed and inspired. Light is a natural motivator, that's why we're more productive in the mornings.
Try my Natural Household Cleaner recipe, no harmful chemicals, natural ingredients and smells amazing!
Ok, but coming back to Inner Windows... William Shakespeare once said our "Eyes are the windows to your soul"
What do you think about that quote? I believe the eyes have deep meaning, deep language and deep messages. If the Eyes are the Windows, it's a good idea to take note as to what our Eyes may say.
I appreciate this topic as it also reminds me of many ways to think of Windows., I first think of Creativity... (no surprise) as windows of opportunities are always available to us.
In closing, Opening Windows means exactly that.... opening opportunities within yourself for growth, for learning, for wisdom. Everyday is a window, an opportunity to Be Kind, to live happy and healthy and to be the very best version of YOU.
Quote of the day...

"What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes."
- Harry Houdini
Tasty Tropical Smoothie
makes 1 smoothie

You'll Need:
1 banana
1 c Frozen Tropical Fruit Mix
2 Tbs Honey Greek Yogurt
1/4 c Almond Milk
To Make
Mix all ingredients in a high speed blender until blended thoroughly. Mix will be thick. Scoop out smoothie into a glass. Garnish with Fresh Fruit and Enjoy!

Today is National Umbrella Day
Get Ready-
Tomorrow is ......
National Guitar Day!
Finally - Some Motivation to go.....

Life is ...
what YOU
Decide it is!
Thanks for Joining us this morning!
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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!
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