Welcome to the Good Morning Life
A daily blog and micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!
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I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Saturday March 27, 2021. (day 86)
Today is #Internationalscribbleday
Tomorrow is #Somethingonastickday
Main Story-
Teach! Share what you know!

Did you know....
You are full of wonderful things!
Each day of your life has given you information to absorb, to take it, to help in improving your life.
Today we're talking about sharing! Yes, we're going back to basics, to kindergarten basics... specifically with the talent of Sharing.
When I say Sharing, I'm talking about sharing what you know! Your expertise on whatever you do best. Whatever your passion is and what you love to do.
You may think you don't have anything to share, yet that is not correct my friends... you have lots of information to share! Do you love to cook? There is tons of recipes to share, of simply your experience of using kitchen appliances, or maybe healthy foods? This topic is truly never ending. Food is a huge industry and people out there would welcome your valuable information.
Maybe you love to travel? I love traveling! This is another huge industry ready for your knowledge. You can list your travel tips do's and don'ts or best budget places, or stick to one country... possibilities are endless!
How about Art? Yep, another big one! Creating art, Art in design, DIY's, Crafting videos,
OMG... this is so much fun!
The idea here is to get your ideas rolling... There are so many platforms readily available for you to share your content, casually or professionally. In this day and age, it's all about information. What people can learn and how it makes their lives just a little bit better.
You my Friend are incredibly valuable as a Teacher of the times. We all are!
So, if you had to start today... What would you do? What would you teach? or How many things would you Teach? This is where the FUN stands. This is PURE Creativity...
Did this get your juices rolling? Good! Now, let's get to it! Make a list inspired by the things you LOVE to do! The things you have learned on the way and the Things you are PASSIONATE about. Keep this list handy because tomorrow we'll talk about making a plan for your teaching platform... and what that can look like.
On Monday we'll talk about the $$ that can be made from teaching what you want to share.
This coming week will be FABULOUS with info on getting you going into your next level version of the Fabulous being you are!
I can't wait! Have a Fabulous Saturday!
Belynda Farias

There is no wealth like knowledge and
no poverty like ignorance.
Thanks for Joining us this morning!
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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!
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