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Try 28 days of Love

Writer's picture: Belynda FariasBelynda Farias

It's Day 32 - We're celebrating February! And the launch of my brand new Podcast called

"The Good Morning Life! 5 minutes of daily inspiration ready to greet you via email or audio!

Wishing you a Fabulous Day!

The Good Morning Life Podcast

By Belynda Farias

February 1 - Welcome February

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A podcast to brighten your morning and awaken today’s possibilities with inspiration and motivation for a happy and healthy life!

It’s a new dawn, a clean slate to start over, what will you create today? Today’s Good Morning sunshine hug is waiting for you! Forget about what didn’t work out yesterday and focus on all the things working well today. Time to Get up, Dress up, and Show up for yourself! You’ve got Dreams, plans, goals… today you will move closer to your vision!

1-2-3 Believe in Me!

Body and Mind aligned is Magic! Let’s get up out of bed and Stretch those arms, way up high! Count to 3 as you touch the sky.. Think big, think bright, reach for the sun, Breathe in, Breathe out, - come on, get ready to enjoy today’s Fun!

IT’S TIME !- to Turn on the Love!

As we welcome the month of February, Love is in the air. Turn on the love for the next 28 days by writing yourself a simple love note on a sticky note and stick it on your mirror. Do this everyday! Simple phrases, like “You rock”, “Love that smile” or You can do this!” are perfect! Surround yourself with this positive energy and boost your confidence! After 28 days of love notes, you’ll feel like a different person!


Mixed Berry & Greens Smoothie

Quick recipe: For this recipe, you’ll need 1 cup of frozen mixed berries, 1 cup of assorted greens, like spinach and celery, 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt and 1 cup Almond milk. Blend, serve and enjoy! Mixed Berries are packed with antioxidants and fiber and are great for your skin! And the greens are packed with natural vitamins, minerals and fiber and excellent for a healthy diet!

Get Ready, Get Set… GO! Enjoy the nutritious and delicious benefits of today’s smoothie.

The Daily Good News

It’s National Get up Day! The day reminds us to pick ourselves up when we’ve fallen and given it (whatever it may be) another go! National Get up day reminds all of us to Get Up when we stumble. We never know when our efforts to seek a goal or overcome an obstacle will encourage another to do the same.


Encourage someone you know. Rarely does anyone celebrate the failures. Yet, every time we Get Up and try again, we stand on a mountain of failures. It is how we learn and reach for our goals. So, share the moments you Get Up and persevere. Keep moving forward and upward. What makes you Get Up? Share your inspiration by using #GetUpDay on social media.

For more information visit WWW.NATIONALDAYCALENDAR.COM

Pack a Lunch!…. Motivation to go!

Focus is today’s motivation! “It's only after you've stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.” “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. - Roy T. Bennett

Thanks for Joining us this morning!

For Rays of Sunshine, recipes, positivity and confidence boosters, Go to our website at, we’re ready to make your “Good Morning” Fabulous!

Remember to Share today’s “Sunshine Post” with friends on your social media.

Use #goodmorninglifedaily to tag us. …

If you’re interested in being a part of our Sunshine post, Advertising and Sponsorship opportunities are now available.

Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!

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