Welcome to the Good Morning Life
Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily blog and micropodcast to brighten your morning with inspiration for a happy and healthy life! Listen in at www.anchor.fm/thegoodmorninglife
I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Friday February 12, 2021. (day 43)
Today is Lunar New Year! yay!
Tomorrow is ...... National Tortellini Day! Yum.
What's your Morning Inspiration?

Every morning we are inspired to wake up...
why? What is your morning inspiration?
It can be as simple as greeting the morning sun, or a morning jog to awaken your beautiful body. It may be business goals or your Family...
Today is a day to take focus on your morning inspiration and decide to keep or change
your focus to something more.....
Here's 3 reasons to be inspired to get up and start your day!
The morning sunshine - Everyday we are offered a new Sun, a new day to create whatever your heart desires. The Sun brings energy, light, movement. It's a silent language of inspiration to get up and get out to do something for you. Even when things are not going as planned, the Sun is still there, cheering you on to new ideas, new thoughts and new beginnings.
Personal goals- We all set out to meet our personal goals. The morning is the best time to get going on your goals. What is your WHY to your goals? To make a better living for yourself? For your Family? For your Children? Goals change with different situations, however this is a huge drive to Get up, Show up and Get moving towards the Dream, the Goal that inspires you to move mountains.
Family- For me it's my kids... it's LOVE and appreciation for my Kids, for my Family, for the life I have built...... Getting up early, helping them get ready for school, prepare them breakfast, pack a lunch and being their voice of motivation and inspiration as they learn to create their own motivation. Essentially you are a model , an example of their future selves, that's is a wonderful reason to get up in the morning.
Whatever your reason, today is a great day to check in, to see if your current reason WHY still stands... or if it is time for change. Sit in the new Morning and listen to it's quiet message of Love and Inspiration written just for you.....

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”
– Buddha
Recipe of the Day
Oat's & Berries Honey Yogurt
makes 1 serving
You'll Need:
1 c Honey Greek Yogurt

1/4 c Rolled Oats
1 Tsp Chia Seeds
2 Tbl Sliced Almonds
Fresh Blueberries
Fresh Raspberries
To Make
Scoop Honey Yogurt into bowl
Spread the top of the Yogurt flat
Add rolled oats to 1/2 of the top of the bowl
Add Chia seeds in a line, next to the oats.
Add Sliced Almonds in a line, next to the chia seeds
Top with Berries, Drizzle Honey and

Some Motivation to go.....

Appreciation is the key
to a Great LIFE!
- Belynda Farias
Thanks for Joining us this morning!
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For Rays of Sunshine, recipes, positivity and confidence boosters, visit our website at TheGoodMorninglife.com
Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!
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