Welcome to the Good Morning Life
A daily blog and micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!
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I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Sunday March 28, 2021. (day 87)
Today is #Somethingonastickday
Tomorrow is #MomandPopBusinessownersday
Main Story-
Where to Share? 4 platforms that have helped me!

Hello and Happy Sunday! Yesterday we talked about Teaching what you know, sharing the knowledge that you've gained through your experience.
It's important to share your information as it can help many others in guiding their journey.
Today we're talking about taking that knowledge and sharing it to the world. Where to share? we'll that's what we're diving into right now....
Social media is the number 1 platform made available to you for free! Getting comfortable with the various platforms will be key. Now, I'm sharing the platforms that have worked miracles for me in my business ventures, there are so many to choose from, so definitely do some research for what will work for you.
Facebook - Sharing on your personal page once in a while is valuable as your friends and family can feel updated with your current projects. If you don't already have one, Create a "Business Page" for your sharing platform. Even if you don't think it's a business, it is! Think of a name that describes what you will be sharing and go from there. You can have one or several pages on Facebook. It is FREE to have a a personal and Business pages. Sharing on your Business page daily or a few times per week will be great to give your business fans, new updates for your professional information you are sharing. This is a PERFECT and FREE way to create a base of potential customers who are interested in your information model.
Instagram - This is another important sharing platform for your teaching platform. They say "It's all about the gram" and it can be. Instagram has a very aesthetic design style. It is very visual and the pictures really say a thousand words. Here you can share photos of your teaching information- say cooking... it's huge! Food is a multi-million dollar industry and food photos really sell. If your information is food based, this is one of the BEST platforms to share and promote your information. Instagram is also FREE to use.
Pinterest - Speaking of visual platforms, this one is #1 in my Book! It has so much made available to you and again for FREE! This is purely visual at first look, with hundreds of thousands photos made available to the world. This of this as a photo based google. Type in ANYTHING you want to know about and instantly photos of that theme will show up. If you are not on this platform you are missing out! This is my number one Platform that has created new leads, followers and sales.
Etsy - Yes, Etsy. You can share your information and SELL on Etsy. It's very affordable with just .20 cents per listing photo, plus credit card fees. I have been able to sell many digital files on here making a fabulous ROI, return on investment, on these files. I will be sharing more on this on a later episode. So, if you are not on Etsy, you should reconsider, There are 39 million+ buyers on Etsy worldwide every day. and if you share a little bit of what you know, you can be a part of the fun AND make money.
I can keep going with many more platforms, but this is a microblog & podcast, so my time is up. However, I want to leave you with this... Get on google or pinterest and do a search. Do many searches on the topics you want to share/sell. You will be lead to many things to explore and discover, including the best platforms to share your knowledge. This is Market Research and this is a very important part of defining your best strategy to getting your information shared with the world.
Once you have your accounts set up on the top social platforms, then you can specialize and create online teaching tutorials to share/sell on Udemy, Teachable, and Coursecraft. I'll be talking about selling platforms on tomorrow's blog, so stay tuned.....
Friends, until then, get on the web, GET Curious and keep discovering new ways to connect to the things you love to do! '
Have a fabulous Sunday!
Belynda Farias

"If you're always trying to be Normal, you'll never know how Amazing you can be..."
-Maya Angelou

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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!
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