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Dance to YOUR beat!

Writer's picture: Belynda FariasBelynda Farias

Welcome to the Good Morning Life

Welcome to The Good Morning Life! - A daily Blog and Micropodcast about Everyday living, Fresh Ideas and Delicious Recipes for a happy and healthy life!

I’m your host Belynda Farias. Today is Sunday February 21, 2021. (day 52)

Today is #Nationalstickybunday

Main Story-

Dance to YOUR Beat!

Happy Sunday Everybody! Today's topic is all about the importance of Dancing to the beat of YOUR drum!

Movement is fun and important factor for a happy and healthy body.

Music is an invisible language we can all understand and connect to....

Joy is the ultimate emotion we feel when we are in a perfect place....

Marry the three - Movement, Music, Joy and you have YOUR drum Beat!

I have to tell you, that Your beat does NOT need to be perfect. No need for dance experience or even rhythm. This is about just allowing YOU to be YOU! Allowing the true energetic rhythm that moves through your body!

(Sorry, I'm not writing as fast as I should, because I am dancing right now to Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars... I love to dance!, honestly I need to a little more. I love to wake up to music, especially music from my time.. the 80's. )

So, Why is this even important? Because giving yourself permission to dance, to move, to feel the beat, is FREEDOM! It means you are allowing your beautiful being to move to the vibration of life! A happy, healthy version of you that feels free and expressive through movement of your limbs, torso and head.

Go Ahead... Get up and Dance!

A few of my Friends say they "Don't have Rhythm" ..... The Truth is that they absolutely DO! The rhythm they are comparing it to is what society calls structured Dance. Dance moves that are cool. In reality, the rhythm they carry is unique, one of a kind, and expressive to THEM. It does not need to be approved by anyone except themselves.

Too often we allow the opinion of others to hurt our feelings. Because of this, we tend to turn off areas that are not accepted, and Dance is sometimes, one of those areas.

Make a Decision today... to allow that Dance beat that is YOU to show through. Believe in yourself and enjoy the FREEDOM. After all that is why it IS.

GET UP and MOVE! I don't care what you look like, if you're a professional, or a newbie... if you have awesome dance moves or you think you look like a funky dance chicken.

Just GET UP and LISTEN to what your Body wants to do. Move your arms, torso, legs in a way that feels good to you! THIS YOUR BEAT! EMBRACE the beauty of the moment!

Dance to YOUR Beat today and EVERYDAY! It is perfect! You are Perfect just the way you are!

Much Love to you all, and keep dancing...

- Belynda Farias

"Dance to Your own Beat!

No experience necessary, You are perfect

as you are....."

- Belynda Farias

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Have an Amazing Day! See you tomorrow!

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